Back at the Purple Turtle again, this time mainly to see Kitty Hudson. Junction 13 are on as I arrive, but fail to make much of an impression on me. They aren't terrible or anything, but just don't seem to have anything much (apart from a bowler hat) to make them stand out from the 100 other bands doing the same thing on this scene - standard US styled 80's based rock 'n' roll image and a sound to match. The guitars sound quite crisp and sharp on the free 'Hotter Than Hell' CD which is handed out on the door tonight though with some decent riffing.
Kitty Hudson aren't doing anything particularly original, but they somehow manage to do it with a bit more style than most the other bands on the circuit - and a bit of Johnny Thunders influence always goes down well too. They also have another secret weapon that helps them stand out from the crowd (apart from a hot drummer with a mass of flailing blonde hair) - good catchy songs like 'What It's Like'!
I've seen King Lizard a few times now and the most memorable thing about them is their mouthy 'rock star' singer with the shades and mass of blonde hair - I don't remember any of the songs at all. They have headhunted widdly guitar virtuoso Niro since I first saw them, and although he makes an impression - being flash seems to be more important than good strong riffs and hooks or melody. Still, they seem to have a small following so they must be doing something right. I'm just not sure exactly what it is.
I loaded the free CD featuring three of the bands on the bill (Love And Bullets who were on first and I missed weren't included) onto my MP3 player and after quite a few plays it's the Kitty Hudson songs which stick in my mind more than the other bands. Best Wolfsbane impression goes to King Lizard for 'Rock n Roll Me' - they also scoop best Axl vocal impression on 'Waterloo Rats'.
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