Sunday 31 December 2023

Goodbye 2023...

 Well 2023 was certainly a year of ups & downs - mostly downs in the latter part...

I learned more about other people and how they can be a lot more complicated than they appear - and in the process I learned more about myself. Including that apparently (to quote a song written by Lemmy) "I ain't no nice guy after all"

"My shine wore off as time wore on" Ain't that the truth... ♠

That episode in the summer triggered another of my periods of self doubt and lack of confidence. It made me take a closer look at myself. Another thing I learned: On top of OCD (which I think I have had most my life without even realising it) I have now also discovered 'Imposter Syndrome' is a thing - a thing I seem to have.

For 2024: Press 'Control/Alt/Delete' to restart...