| So after The Berettas and Brijitte West & The Desperate Hopefuls we come to the final band of the evening - the rather more familiar Shush.

This band are always excellent, and tonight is no exception although the sound mix isn't great.

Shush throw themselves wholeheartedly into a high energy set of tuneful pop/rock songs. 

Tonight sees the very welcome return to the band of former AntiProduct drummer Simon - without doubt the most powerful drummer of the various ones to have passed through this band.

There is no doubt this is top quality stuff from a band who play really well together.

It's good to see this band playing to a fairly full room. It's certainly what they deserve, and as usual they go down very well all the people in the room who are new to the band.
The evening ends on a weird note for me - I seem to become a nutter magnet! There is a drunk girl who is obviously on the pull. After chatting up a couple of my friends she homes in on me - she is obviously seriously deranged! To add insult to injury - I'm her third choice. She's acting like she know's me - so I'm wondering if maybe we have met sometime before when I've been the worse for wear? So I ask her "Do I know you?" - to which she replies "Does it matter?!" Well yes, it does actually. She starts coming on to me big time. I'm backing away, but she's following me - until I end up backed against a sofa. She is determined to dance with me - wether I like it or not! Blatent is not the word! Not only does she start rubbing herself up against me, but she even tries to dry screw me! By now all my friends in the room are watching - and they are pissing themselves! I'm looking over mental bird's shoulder and franticly waving 'HELP ME!' at my friends - and of course they find this even more hilarious! Needless to say, no one comes to my rescue - they are all finding this far too entertaining! Things are looking increasingly desperate as I search for a way out without actually being deliberately rude. Suddenly, mental bird is distracted for a moment by something - I run for it! By the time she notices I have vanished I am hiding behind a pillar - where I stay until it's safe. I hide behind the pillar flanked by Craig and Dave (both highly amused!) for about ten minutes - I want to go to the toilet but am worried I might get ambushed on the way! I manage to evade mental drunk bird for about half an hour, and then (much to my relief) I hear she has been carried out of the club. I resolve not to leave for some time afterwards in case she recovers and leaps out at me from a Soho alleyway on my way home. Fortunately, I manage to make my escape safely later on... Oh well, although it was a scary experience for me - at least I managed to provide a great deal of amusement for all my friends who were watching!  |
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