Sunday 10 August 2014

16/1/2011 David Ryder Prangley's Glam Rock Youth Club!

SubjectDavid Ryder Prangley's Glam Rock Youth Club!
DateCreated1/18/2011 2:30:00 PM
PostedDate1/18/2011 6:35:00 AM

was expecting a quieter weekend after the last one as the normal New Year
Doldrums continue... However, I ended up going out locally on Friday night
to see a cover band in a pub, then the 100 Club and Intrepid Fox last night
- and now on Sunday night I find myself at the recently re-opened Nambucca.
It's the first time I've been back to this venue since it was gutted by fire a
while ago. It's smarter now and less of a dive, but the bar hasn't improved.
 Why bother putting a real ale pump in if you're not going to use it? 
They don't even serve Newcastle Brown any more - unlike Big Red and
The Gaff down the road.  The room at the back where the bands play has
now been partitioned off and feels much smaller then it used to when it was
more open.

I'm here for David Ryder Prangley's Glam Rock Youth Club! A rather ironic
title as many of those present (both on stage and in the crowd) won't see 40
again!  It's the Rachel Stamp frontman's birthday bash and he has
organised an appropriately glam event to celebrate.

The first band is Cöbrettii. They play a set of 80's Sunset Strip glam covers.
They seem a bit fake to me and aren't actually that good - like a very
average pub band. The bass player tries too hard, and the guitarist is
almost innaudible. but the setlist is very good and they are fairly entertaining.

Things pick up a bit when a couple of members of Rachel Stamp join
the band on stage.

There is quite a good crowd in for what is basically a pub gig on a Sunday
night - many familiar faces from Decadence - it's like Soho has been moved
to Holloway Road for the night! 

The band David has put together for the night are all familiar faces. From the
minute they start playing they sound ten times as good as the previous band.

Decadence regulars will spot well known DJ Shuff on bass - playing for the
first time in ten years! Shuff was the original bass player in Antiproduct and
played on their first album. Also in the band are David's Rachel Stamp
bandmate Will Crewdson on guitar, Killing Miranda & Lilygun drummer
Belle, and ex-Flesh For Lulu and these days seen in the
Urban Voodoo Machine 'Nasty' Nick Marsh on guitar.

The setlist is a real crowd-pleaser consisting mostly of British 70's Glam Rock
classics and is a lot of fun! Certainly a good way to spend a damp January night.
PS: This venue has now closed. Again.

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