Sunday 28 July 2019

28/7/2019 Powerpop Weekender @ The Lexington Day 2

 Back to The Lexington for the second day of this year's Powerpop Weekender. Unfortunately I missed Autogramn and Music City, but managed to catch The Speedways.

They played very energetic and tuneful guitar driven pop punk. You might recognise the Les Paul toting guitarist on the left - it's Mauro Venegas, who you might have in the past seen playing with Duncan Reid & The Big Heads and also The Godfathers. This is a good band who I'd definitely be interested in seeing again.

Next up was Lucy & The Rats. They struck me as more punk and rock 'n' roll than powerpop but were entertaining.
Again, one or two guitarists in this band looked rather familiar. That's because Lucy herself might be from Australia, but her current guitarists used to be in another great band from London's underground rock 'n' roll scene - Johnny Throttle.

Next up are The Pencils - another band who managed to slip under my radar first time round. They seem to have a bit of a following though and are rather good.
The Pencils fit well into the powerpop/new wave and have decent songs so I'm surprised they passed me by back in the day.

The next band are rather more familiar. I have seen The Priscillas quite a few times with varying lineups over the years. Denizens of North London's infamous 'Holloway Strip' they are always great fun! Singer Jenny Drag is a natural at fronting a band and is very much the centre of attention no matter how glamorous the other members of the band may appear.
Their music is punky sleazy rock 'n' roll - think The Cramps, Shangri-Las, and New York Dolls down a dark ally and you're pretty much in the right ball park. Sticking to their roots they even have a song about Holloway Road!

Headlining tonight is Nikki Corvette - former singer of The Corvettes. An American powerpop/new wave band who also managed to evade my radar back in the day. Tonight Nikki is appearing as a solo artist playing Corvettes songs - hence being backed by The Speedways. The songs seem more pure pop than punk or rock & roll, but Nikki is a good performer and carries them off well.

And so ends the 2019 Powerpop Weekender. It's been great value for money with an excellent mix of familiar and new (to me) bands, and the quality of the acts has been very high! I'm amazed I've never heard of some of them before. Same time next year then?

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