Thursday night seems to be becoming 'The New Friday Night'. Or something. So, off I go to the Good Mixer to see a band. Knowing the Mixer is a shit place to drink if you are into real ales and the rest is mostly overpriced piss for the less discerning drinker I head to the nearby BrewDog first for one or two liveners.
Job done and I take the short stroll to the Mixer. The first band I see are No Feelings. They tout themselves as a 'punk' band, but apart from the bass player (who used to be in RockNRoll Suicides) there is nothing remotely punk about them - just a mediocre cover band. Naming yourself after a Sex Pistols song isn't enough to make you a punk band even if you throw in a few obvious punk classics.This band are always fun and play like 'they meanit maan'. And they have a song called 'Fuk You'.There is a strong New York punk influence to 🗲Electrics🗲 sound. Frontman Al has a sneering and sarcastic delivery - showing humour, and a punk attitude lacking in the previous act. I like bands who look like they they love what they do, and bassist Jenny in particular always looks like she is having the best time ever when she is playing!
Even on a Thursday night in a pub at a free admission show 🗲Electics🗲 always bring it!
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