Saturday, 24 June 2023

24/6/2023 Back in Hornsey - St Mary's Tower

A nice summer Saturday afternoon. Well not that nice actually as the hoped for sunny weather hasn't materialised, but you can't have everything - where would you put it? Still, it's only a short journey on the train to Hornsey and I always enjoy the scenery as I pass Alexandra Palace.

St Mary's Clock Tower is only a few minutes walk from Hornsey station. I like to visit at least once every summer when free live music events take place here.

I first started coming here to see the late Jimmy C and his band the Blues Dragons. Sadly he died a couple of years ago, but his wife Aga is keeping his memory alive with events like this and blues shows and jams in local pubs. Jimmy was a great performer and his music and his smile are missed by many.
There are no 'facilities' at the clock tower and churchyard area, but if you need the use of a toilet during your visit the Great Northern Railway Tavern just over the road are happy to let visitors from music events at the tower use their toilets. And maybe out of politeness and respect for the pub they will stay for a drink or two as well - I always do. 🍺
Many of the songs played by local musicians at these events will be familiar, but not all. One in particular was written by Jimmy C himself and relates directly to a couple of people who are buried in this actual churchyard. It's an interesting and intriguing story told in Jimmy's song 'Jacob Walker'. I highly recommend you search it out as it's not featured in my videos here...
The music is always good at these events, but the place itself has a special vibe and there are interesting characters to be found - living as well as those buried here. 👻
There is a changeover time between bands - so it's back to the pub for some liquid refreshment. It's a not unpleasant place to pass the time...
It's worth mentioning that this is a 'dog friendly' event - unlike most gigs, including outdoor venues.
Those with dogs can also get some refreshment for their pets at the pub between bands while others can just enjoy the historic railway theme as befits the pub's name.
Some of the musicians will be familiar to North London gig-goers - particularly the more blues/rock crowd.
In one break between bands I take a wander down the High Street to kill some time. Walking West towards Muswell Hill it looks more familiar than I expected - I get a feeling of Deja-vu. Then I realise I have been here before - in my childhood. On this stretch of road used to be Keevans school outfitters - where I had to go to get my High School uniform - even though the school was miles away in Finchley. It feels weird finding myself randomly back here after all these years. I have to go back to the pub for a pint while I think about it....
As well as various guest musicians and bands from the North London blues/rock scene, the late Jimi C's band The Blues Dragons also perform a set of covers and some of Jimmy's original songs - including the touching and locally relevant 'Jacob Walker'. But if you want to hear that song you'll have to search it out for yourself, or catch the band at their next performance.
Although this place is miles away from Barnet I still always seem to bump into a few people I know. It's a nice friendly relaxed vibe here - you can just wander around the area - leave and go to the pub or whatever and come back anytime. Quality musicians and free admission - what's not to like?
One of the songs played is very ironic in view of this church based venue...
And after the music is finished for the day it's back to the pub yet again for a littler refreshment before the train journey home. And to use the pub's 'facilities' before the trip as these are sadly lacking at stations in this century although all stations had them in past days...
See you back in Hornsey next summer then...

Friday, 23 June 2023

23/6/2023 King Salami & The Cumberland 3 + Black Rooster The Hope & Anchor

Down to Islington on a Friday night - I always look forward to visiting the Hope & Anchor. Nice and easy to get to for me as well.

A decent bill for not much money - the monthly Rockaway Beach club nights are always excellent value. I've enjoyed seeing the sausage boys many times so I'd buy a ticket just to see them.
But on first are Black Rooster. I had the pleasure of being on the same bill as this band at this venue earlier this year and am looking forward to seeing them again.
Fronted by the feisty Lucille this band has an edge to them - imagine a punk Tina Turner with a loud and snotty attitude and you'll get the picture.
Black Rooster are a unique mixture of personalities with a singer who grabs and holds your attention - if you see this band you will remember them. Which is more than I can say for the next act.

Romeo Spy's name is probably the most interesting thing about them. It suggests an air of mystery - which I find completely lacking. They are excellent musicians, but I found them so forgettable that I can't remember anything else about them. Sorry guys.

Tonight's headliners are a very different kettle of fish - or plate of bangers. King Salami and the Cumberland Three are enormous fun!
This is full on rock 'n' roll played in the spirit it originally had. Maybe a slight punk edge from the bands members have been in previously, but this is music that makes you want to dance. Sadly there has been a change in the lineup since I last saw the sausage boys and guitarist 'Captain Not Sensible' is apparently no longer in the band. However, the new guy is no slouch in the 6 string department.
This is very much good-time music and the 'King' himself is an energetic and highly entertaining frontman. The whole band give a very spirited performance. The setlist is full of bangers - pun intended. 
The music is fun, and so are some of the band's song titles like 'Do The Wurst' and 'Less Bone - More Meat!' - yes there is a theme. If you can't enjoy a King Salami and the Cumberland Three show there is something wrong with you. Or maybe you are a vegetarian? But these sausages are for you too if you have a sense of humour - vegan sausages are available so you can still join in the fun! 😉

If you like old school rock & roll/R&B or you just want to dance I highly recommend getting yourself along to a King Salami and the Cumberland Three show at your earliest opportunity! 😁

Sunday, 11 June 2023

Pubs don't want to take my money!

It seems like an increasing number of pubs don't want my money. I went to the Good Mixer in Camden on Thursday night to see a band. No real ale available, or any other beer I particularly want to drink. I know at most dedicated live music venues and clubs this isn't unusual, but the Mixer is a pub that just has bands on sometimes. I guess they aren't that bothered about catering for my ale needs so I don't drink much in there.

On Friday I went to the Dublin Castle in Camden - a well known pub and music venue. There used to be three or four real ale pumps on the bar here - so at least I could usually get a pint of Trooper or similar, although the quality of the ales they served often wasn't good as the pub didn't seem to know how to look after them. Sadly the Dublin Castle has recently stripped out all the real ale pumps from it's bar, but at least I could still get a bottle of my old faithful standby - Newcastle Brown Ale. Now they even seem to have stopped serving that. I'd normally sink several pints in a night at the Dublin Castle, but on Friday I only bothered with one as there was really no beer in the pub that I really wanted to drink. They don't seem to be bothered about my custom so I don't bother to drink much these days when I'm there.

When I'm in Camden I like to drop into BrewDog before and after gigs. No real ales in there, but in spite of that they do always have a variety of tasty beers I actually want to drink. Not cheap, and the strongest beers aren't served in pints, but it's a handy port of call if I'm in a rush to get a couple of high strength liveners in before heading to a music venue where I might not drink at all due to the poor quality and high prices. I like to drop into BrewDog after gigs as well for a nice beer or two before jumping on the tube at nearby Camden Town station. However, although it's advertised as being open until midnight Thursday-Saturday it often seems to close earlier. More than once recently I've walked in there around 11.30 after a gig only to be refused service as the bar staff tell me they are closing. I have even gone there about 11.00 to find the place shut and all the lights out. Don't they want my money?

Last night I was planning to go to a gig in Greenwich - at a pub that apparently serves real ales. However, I found out too late that the band I wanted to see and I assumed were headlining were actually going on earlier than I expected. I realised that as it would probably take at least an hour and a half to get to the pub I was going to miss the band. So I'm showered and all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Disappointed but not wanting to put all that effort to waste on a hot summer night I decide on Plan B -  to take a late stroll down to my local. The Railway Bell seems an oddly run place at times. Tonight is one of them. This pub stays open until 1AM but rather bizarrely won't let anyone in after midnight - which means when I often get off the train at New Barnet virtually within sight of the pub around 11.58 I am denied admission by security to a pub which is still serving for another hour! This seems a strange policy as in the last hour of opening there are usually very few people in in the pub - in fact the number of security people present combined with the bar staff is around the same as the number of drinkers for the last hour so they can't be making any money. And yet they still won't let me in to contribute to the money taken at the bar. But last night shouldn't have been a problem as I rolled up around 11.00 - with two hours drinking time to go. When I tried to get in I found the doors were locked! The pub was obviously still open as I could see customers inside - although not many for a summer Saturday night. I point to my watch and try to have a conversation with a security guy through the window pane of the door which he won't open, but I can only hear him shouting that they are shut. At 11.00 on a Saturday night. Once again the Railway Bell doesn't seem to want my money.

Plan B has also fallen though. Disconsolately I turn round and start to walk home - all I wanted was a few beers in a pub on a hot Saturday night. There are actually three other pubs within a hundred yards, but one is a McMullens house and I don't like their ales, the other is expensive with ales that are average at best - plus I don't like it's 'sports bar' atmosphere, while the third is really expensive with ales that aren't as good as they used to be.

Then I realise High Barnet is only a short bus ride away and Ye Olde Mitre Inne is open until 1AM. I put Plan C into action and about ten minutes later I am in what is probably the best (and definitely the oldest) pub in Barnet and finally enjoying a pint of quality ale in a pub that actually want's my money.

Friday, 9 June 2023

9/6/2023 Pussycat & the Dirty Johnsons @ The Dublin Castle

Second night in a row at a gig in Camden - at the Dublin Castle this time. They've now removed the real ale pumps so I won't be drinking much, but at least I know the music will be good! 

I've seen Basingstoke band  Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons many times over the past few years.😼🎸😈

This band have become very popular at the Dublin Castle and now play here regularly, although I have seen them at quite a few other London venues.
Singer Puss Johnson has a great image and stage presence - a cross between Tank Girl and Catwoman with attitude to match.
The music is rockabilly tinged rock 'n' roll, with a punk attitude. This is very much 'The Devil's music', but with more of a rock edge than blues.
You can expect songs about pizza, sex, serial killers, transvestites, daddy-long-legs, and of course the Devil. Don't expect any soppy ballads - this is all proper in-your-face stuff - loud and mostly aggressive and/or fast - this band take no prisoners! Dirty Jake cranks out mean riffs on the guitar while Filthy Antz pounds the drums - and throws in the odd disco beat to confuse you! Puss straps on a guitar for some songs as well and usually ends up in the crowd at some point - really taking the show to the people. It's all highly entertaining!
This band don't generally do covers, but sometimes they will throw this crowd pleaser in just for fun!
Their merch stand is always worth checking out. I have all their albums now, and have even bought one twice by accident!
Keep an eye out for Pussycat And The Dirty Johnsons - they may be heading your way and they will give you a show you will remember for a long time.

Thursday, 8 June 2023

8/6/2023 Electrics @ The Good Mixer

Thursday night seems to be becoming 'The New Friday Night'. Or something. So, off I go to the Good Mixer to see a band. Knowing the Mixer is a shit place to drink if you are into real ales and the rest is mostly overpriced piss for the less discerning drinker I head to the nearby BrewDog first for one or two liveners.

Job done and I take the short stroll to the Mixer. The first band I see are No Feelings. They tout themselves as a 'punk' band, but apart from the bass player (who used to be in RockNRoll Suicides) there is nothing remotely punk about them - just a mediocre cover band. Naming yourself after a Sex Pistols song isn't enough to make you a punk band even if you throw in a few obvious punk classics.

Fortunately 🗲Electrics🗲 are here to liven things up a bit with some snotty attitude that although not billed as such is much more punk than the previous act.
This band are always fun and play like 'they meanit maan'. And they have a song called 'Fuk You'.
There is a strong New York punk influence to 🗲Electrics🗲 sound. Frontman Al has a sneering and sarcastic delivery - showing humour, and a punk attitude lacking in the previous act. I like bands who look like they they love what they do, and bassist Jenny in particular always looks like she is having the best time ever when she is playing!
Even on a Thursday night in a pub at a free admission show 🗲Electics🗲 always bring it!

Saturday, 3 June 2023

3/6/2023 A busy day of music in North and South London...

I have two gigs to go to today - in different parts of London. Just to make things more (or Moor) complicated I am playing at one of them.

So I have to head down to South of the river in the afternoon. Although Bermondsey Joyriders are one of my favourite bands and I have seen them loads of times - I have never actually been to Bermondsey. Until now. There is a mini punk festival at Moor Beer Vaults. The Moor Beer Company are one of a number of small breweries who have started hosting live music events. I like beer, and I like music - so this is a gig I was never going to turn down.

It's organised by the PhilanthroPunks charity who I have played for on previous events.

It takes quite a long time to get to South London from the Northern Heights but unusually for me I arrive with time in hand. Only to find things are already running at least half an hour late by the time the first band hits the stage. 😕

First band on was Spit Sisters.

No pictures of the next band as I was otherwise engaged on the stage making a racket...

Next up were Landlord Lynch who were very good.

Next were She Bit Me First who were less punk and more polished.  Led by and older and more experienced singer/guitarist who had obviously been around the block back in the day before 'real life' (or starting a family) got in the way...

Next we get something a bit heavier and more raucous from Chad Calamity & The CTGBs.

Then I had to head off back to North London to see some good friends playing in a rock covers band, so I missed Resuscitators, Girls Like Us, and The Scuts. I know the latter are very good as I've played in the same bill as them before. So I'l leave you with the drummer from one of the previous bands - I think he has been enjoying the products of the Moor Beer Company!

So off I head on the long trek back to North London to see my friends. They are playing in Southgate which is actually quite close to home so easy to drop in on the way home - while looking like a poser walking into the pub carrying a bass guitar. 🙄
Above average quality musicians (the guitarist is a pro session player) playing rock covers - a good way to wind down at the end of a long day.

Horizon provide a nice break on my long journey home from South London, and after a chat after they finish their final set it's only a short tube journey home after a busy day. 🍺🎸🍻