Out at a gig in a typical 'rock 'n roll toilet' for the second night running - actually this place has some of the worst toilets of any London music venue. However, The Black Heart seems to have become the most likely venue in London to find 'The most prolific band you've never heard of' AKA The Hip Priests when they make a raid down south from their native Nottingham.
To be honest I can't remember much about this gig over two years after it actually happened - apart from that it was very crowded and very LOUD.Also, that The Hip Priests still sound like a mixture of The Stooges, Motörhead, and MC5. All of which obviously makes them really great.And that they played 'Zero Fucks Given' and 'Shit Island' - a song which seems to be ever more apt for our times.These Blogs mainly deal with the countless gigs I go to, but there is some other stuff in there too - and the odd rant! I've just finished adding over 900 of my old posts from MySpace on here - everything is now on proper chronological order from 2005 to date - there is a LOT to read. Some of the older links may not work anymore - just click on the highlighted text for links to more info.
Saturday, 23 November 2019
Friday, 22 November 2019
22/11/2019 The Spangles @ The Hope & Anchor
I've been trying to catch this lot for a while, but they don't often get down to London from Leeds and when they do it usually seems to clash with something else. There are only three people in the band, but they are all known on the scene from other outfits. When bassist Danny McCormack rejoined The Wildhearts the Main Grains were effectively over, but now part of that band has resurfaced with guitarist Ben Marsden and drummer Ginna forming The Spangles. I'm getting quite used to seeing Ben playing at this venue now as I've also seen him playing here a couple of times with the Warner E. Hodges Band - more about that in other posts on here...
Joining on vocals is Ginna's ex-Phluid bandmate Polly Phluid, who can also be seen singing with The Idol Dead. I didn't know he could play bass as well as sing but he's actually rather good at it.Saturday, 16 November 2019
16/11/2019 Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons @ The Dublin Castle
Back to one of London's best music venues to see Basingstoke's best band. Well probably anyway - I haven't actually seen every band in Basingstoke. Or any of them to be honest apart from this one, but I'd be very surprised if any of them are as good as Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons.
This band are a unique mixture of influences - from a singer mixing up Tank Girl with Catwoman, to a rockabilly guitarist who also likes Motörhead, and a drummer who puts disco beats into rock & roll songs. But put them all together and it works. Really well.
Oddly, they don't have a bass player - although they did the first few times I saw them. I don't know exactly what happened, but they have decided since that they can do without a bass player. They certainly seem to be managing OK without one.Wednesday, 30 October 2019
30/10/2019 Michael Monroe Band & Electric Eel Shock @ Islington Academy

Now in the best Monty Python style "And now for something completely different".
Friday, 25 October 2019
25/10/2019 The Men That Will Not Be Blamed For Nothing @ The Macbeth
This gig see's this band playing in their spiritual East End heartland - appropriate as the have a song about ghosts - and how they don't actually exist.
Steampunk is alive and well - well at least it is in Hoxton tonight. The music is good and the songs are fun - even if most of the subject matter is pretty grim. And that's without even going into what the band's name actually means - something with a strong but grisly historical East End connection....
Musically, the band cross between extremely heavy death metal riffing and those lovable mockneys Chas & Dave - enhanced tonight by the band actually playing a Chas & Dave cover 'That's What I like'.
I spend some beer money on a CD from the band's merch stall instead of at the bar on overpriced tinned lager. As the beer selection at this place is so utterly shite I decide to go without and slake my thirst at another pub on my way back to the station instead....
Thursday, 24 October 2019
24/10/2019 Saint Agnes @ Dingwalls
It doesn't happen very often, but sometimes a band comes along who manage to build a strong underground following with virtually NO radio play or media attention - ignored by even the 'rock' press. One such band is Saint Agnes. No advertising budget or media hype, but all their London shows sell out in advance. This one was no exception. The modern day Dingwalls is much larger than in used to be the 1970's and '80's, but tonight it is full. The atmosphere is electric before the band take to the stage - a Saint Agnes gig is more than just a show - it's an event.
In the gloom a shadowy figure with a large round head appears on the stage in silence. The tension builds - there is menace in the air. The figure's 'head' is pulled off to reveal the head of the band's bass player - and then it all kicks off! There is a distinct air of darkness in the room, but this is no Goth band. Not exactly anyway - this feels like something far more creepy and dangerous. The band explode into life - or is it death? This is rock 'n' roll at it's most dark and primal - satanic even. But not in a Black Sabbath way. Yes, the music is heavy, but it's not heavy metal. There is a strong blues feel, but darker and heavier than Led Zeppelin at their bluesiest, although there is a definite Led Zep vibe. There is also a very dramatic and theatrical feel, but without being as obvious and 'showbiz' as Alice Cooper - there is something darker and more sinister afoot here.
They say the Devil has all the best tunes, and tonight the evidence is clear for all to see. Songs like 'The Witching Hour', 'Move Like A Ghost', and 'Diablo, Take Me Home' give you a pretty good idea where they are coming from.Singer, and sometimes guitarist and keyboard player Kitty Arabella Austin is no shrinking violet femme - more femme fatale. She'll take no shit, but she'll dish it out - and you really wouldn't want to be on her shit-list. Not for nothing do the band call their fans 'The Death Or Glory Gang', as well as using that as a song title. Much of the band's recent debut album 'Welcome To Silvertown' gets an airing, along with some newer stuff - this band don't believe in standing still. As well as being heavy the sound is also dirty - in fact downright filthy - you'll probably want to jump straight in the shower as soon as you get home.
Saturday, 12 October 2019
12/10/2019 Mikabomb + Lucy & The Rats @ The Finsbury
Friday, 4 October 2019
4/10/2019 Bermondsey Joyriders, The Outbursts, Johnny Seven + The Filth @ The Dublin Castle
Punk night at one of Camden's best venues. Amazingly, I manage to get to the legendary Dublin Castle in time to see The Outbursts.
This lot are always good fun. Excellent musicians with some decent songs and a large dollop of humour thrown in - always entertaining!The next two bands are new to me. First were The Filth - a Teeside punk band from 1978.
This lot are tight, tuneful, and punchy - definitely worth seeing.Sunday, 29 September 2019
29/9/2019 Girls Wanna Rock @ The Amersham Arms
A day of female fronted bands. Some people are now starting to get upset at bands being described as 'female fronted' or 'All girl' bands. The way I see it more people are likely to be interested in seeing bands thus described than are put off from attending - and more punters through the door to see these bands can only be a good thing - right? Girls can rock just as hard as boys and anybody who says otherwise is full of shit. As Lemmy once said to another musician who criticised a girl band: "Fuck off you cunt - they're better than you!". I think Lemmy would have approved of today's bill at the Amersham Arms. If you don't like girls playing rock music then you can fuck off too.
Unfortunately it takes ages to get to New Cross from the extreme northern edge of London so I didn't get there in time to see opening act the grunge duo Miss Kill. Fortunately I did catch the Roz Bruce Infusion.
A new name to me, but I did enjoy this melodic and well crafted hard rock - certainly a name to look out for in the future. Next up was something very different - Yur Mum.Very in yur face with a ferocious bass sound and grungy vocals - this is about as raw as it gets. Loud and dripping in snotty punk attitude. There is another big shift of sound and style next with Finding Kate.This is altogether more polished and refined music with roots in rock, but also a commercial pop sheen. Kate seems to have an interesting story to tell and a definite hint of star quality - I think we may well be hearing more from her...
It's like she can't make up her mind whether she wants to be 'pop' or 'rock', but I can't fault her for the sheer energy she puts into her performance - it's verging on desperation. Best bit of the set? The fantastic all out metal guitar solo from the guy in the middle of the picture!
Samantha Walker has departed since becoming a mum and the very capable Keira Kenworthy has left Syteria to take over JoA bass duties, while Laura Ozholl now takes care of lead vocals as well as her previous role on rhythm guitar.