Sunday 7 May 2023

7/5/2023 The Molotovs + The Priscillas in Kennington

A bit of an adventure in South London for me today - South of the river - what could possibly go wrong?!! I get off the tube at Kennington - I'm sure I've never been to this station before but it looks familiar. 😕 Then I notice the station building's unique dome - and realise that I have seen this Grade 2 Listed building featured in one of my favourite TV series: Secrets of the London Underground. Unfortunately I don't have time to admire the architecture of the tube network's oldest surviving building and have to head off to a nearby rather more recently built housing estate...

So why am I actually in South London on a Sunday afternoon? I am at a Coronation related event - not something I would normally head this far south for. Chas is getting a new hat and that's all very nice and everything, but I'm actually here to see a couple of bands: The Priscillas are always fun and it's worth the trip just to see them, but I've also been wanting to see The Molotovs for a while - so finding them both playing on the same bill at a free show is a result! The gig is actually just a stage set up at a street market event on a housing estate by the Brandon Tenants & Residents Association. It's an early summer's day and the weather is nice - what's not to like?

I guessed there might not be a bar so I bought my own booze just in case. I was right - no bar. Or toilets either. But there was a pub virtually next door - so I needn't have worried. The Canterbury Arms provided all the facilities I required - apart from real ale. It's a typical 'estate' pub - a dive probably loved by some of the locals, but absolutely nothing to make anyone other than locals ever set foot in the place. It's main (only) claim to fame seems to be it's (self proclaimed?) resemblance to the pub featured in the Shameless TV comedy series - which I have never actually seen. Still - any port in a storm... It seemed friendly enough though.

Each of the two bands playing are doing two sets, but by the time I have got my shit together and dragged my sorry arse down to South London I have missed the first sets by each band. This is the first time I have seen the Molotovs and they are excellent!

There is a strong Mod influence to this band's look and sound. The Jam must be a big influence although The Molotovs are playing their own songs.

There is a definite punk influence as well though, and the band are also reminicent of 1980's UK Power Pop and New Wave.
The Molotovs set is fast and very energetic - they are a good band to get the crowd moving and grooving!
This band sound really tight and well rehearsed. I think getting quite a lot of gigs under their belts must have really helped as well - they must have worked hard to get this good this early in their career. It's all paying off as they seem to have a wide appeal to the South London locals.
As far as the way they are dressed the band seem to have really got into the Coronation spirit - while still keeping a strong Mod look.
There is something in the Molotovs tight and punchy sound that grabs your attention and makes you listen while your feet are tapping - it's hard to keep still.
As well as dressing for the occasion the Molotovs also play the 'National Anthem' - or at least the punk version of it with a spirited rendition of the Sex Pistols 'God Save The Queen', although they didn't take the opportunity to change the lyric to God Save The King to keep it more current.
I thought the Molotovs were great and will definitely be going to see them again. The next band I have seen many times over the years.
The Priscillas band lineup has changed on many occasions over the years, with singer Jenny Drag being the only constant member.
However, the only other constant thing about this band is that they are always fun! Today's show is no exception.
Punk is the Priscillas main influence, but there is also 1950's rock & roll - mixed in with 60's pop.
It's all entertaining stuff with a wide appeal - and the local kids are getting well into it as well.
The band bring their North London vibe into South London with songs about their home turf like 'All The Way From Holloway'. And also a more serious side with their latest single 'Angela' a warning of the dangers of predatory men in clubs and bars.
The Priscillas draw a weird and wonderful crowd from all parts of London with their broad appeal.
Among the throng I see quite a few familiar faces - some Phobics  (who I only saw last night) from South London not too far from their Deptford stamping grounds, and some musicians and DJs all the way from North London where the Priscillas hail from.

In between bands I find myself in the neighbouring pub. Well I needed to use their 'facilities', and having done that it's only good form to enjoy their hospitality and have a drink or two to show my appreciation and not take the piss by just having a piss in their pub. Do the right thing.

It's an enjoyable event overall with good music, a nice atmosphere and a friendly vibe - maybe South London isn't so bad? It turns out there is also an aftershow at a nearby hall. Well I have also finished off my own supply of booze I brought with me assuming there would be no bar - and there is a bar at the aftershow so it would be rude not to go.
The aftershow winds down and I remember I am quite a long way from home so it seems like a good time to make a move. I can remember how to get to Kennington tube from the event I was at earlier - but I'm not there - I'm somewhere else that isn't on the route back to the station. Well it can't be far - how difficult can it be? Actually, more difficult than expected... I have a smartphone, but they don't always give you the information you need when you actually need it. So I walk in what I think is the right direction. Actually, it is the right directionbut the streetlighting is shit and so is the badly repaired road surface so I trip and fall arse-over-tit. Nothing to do with booze of course. Well maybe a bit., but I wasn't that pissed. No really - I wasn't. 
Not much bloodletting, but I liked those jeans - they had served me well. Now I'll look like one of those fucking posers with deliberately ripped/cut jeans! I hate that shit - I like to keep things real. Soon after that I got on a bus to Brixton - all plain sailing from there. And I made friends with the mice at Highbury & Islington station
Anyway, I enjoyed my South London adventure! Same time next year?

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