Monday 16 September 2024


As my website at has been down for a while I haven't been able to post details of upcoming gigs of interest like I used to. So I've decided to try posting them up here instead. Note - I'm not necessarily going to all these gigs myself, so don't go expecting to see me there. Some are local, and most of the others will be in or around the London area. I will include some links to bands or venues, but if I don't - Google is your friend. 😉


5th: Horizon @ The Builders Arms New Barnet

5th: Rockit Science @ The Butchers Arms High Barnet

11th: The DeRellas + Glitter Kick @ The Hope & Anchor Islington

11th: Ginger Wildheart @ The Camden Club

12th: 🗲Electrics🗲 + Darts U.S. + Atomic Suplex @ Shake Some Acton, Signature Brew, Haggerston

19th: Horizon @ The Butchers Arms High Barnet

19th: Groove Rats @ The Barrington Barnet

24th: Gin Annie + JoanOvArc @ The Cart & Horses, Maryland

25th: Brigandage + The Phobics Halloween Bash @ The Hope & Anchor, Islington


2nd: Pussycat and the Dirty Johnsons @ The Dublin Castle, Camden

3rd: The Hot Damn! @ The Grace (formerly 'Upstairs @ The Garage') Highbury

9th: The Urban Voodoo Machine @ Signature Brew, Blackhorse Road E17

16th:  Rockin' For Robin - tribute show for the much missed drumming legend Robin Guy @ The Forge, Camden. Check this video.

16th: Vinyl Countdown (covers) @ The Builders Arms, New Barnet

23rd: Dirty Strangers + 🗲Electrics🗲 @ The Troubadour, Earls Court

24th: The Quireboys + Continental Lovers @ Islington Assembly Hall

27th: Michael Monroe Band (Playing the entire Hanoi Rocks album 'Two Steps From The Move') @ Electric Ballroom, Camden


7th: 🗲Electrics🗲 @ The Spice of Life, Soho

Things can and do change or get cancelled, so do check if you can before leaving home to make sure an event is still taking place.


Thursday 12 September 2024

R.I.P. Robin Guy

R.I.P. Robin Guy. This one hits hard, but not like how hard he hit his drums. Robin was an amazing drummer, and by far the best showman I have ever seen behind a drum kit. He was also a really lovely man - as anyone who ever met him would testify. Helpful and always friendly. Although I was never lucky enough to play with him myself, many of my friends did over the years, and Robin made every performance a special and memorable one. I can't claim to have known Robin very well, but he always remembered me when we met even it we hadn't seen each other for years and his smile and greeting was always warm and genuine - not a showbiz 'sunshine smile' as often found in the music business.

I am shocked and deeply saddened this evening to hear of his passing. Robin will be greatly missed by a huge number of people in our scene - his family, friends, and countless musicians famous and less so, and of course his band mates who I know will be absolutely devastated. Robin will leave a massive hole behind, but also all the memories of the good times - of which there were many. Rest in peace my friend - our world of rock was a much better place for you being in it.


Thursday 21 March 2024

A little pick-me-up when I got home from work.

Got home from work nearly half an hour late today due to getting stuck in a jam on the M25 caused by an accident. Getting more and more depressed as time dragged on, but at least I knew someone or maybe a few someones on the motorway were having a much worse day than me - there is always someone worse off than yourself.

Got home eventually and felt the need to cheer myself up a bit as my plans for my evening at home had been pushed back by half and hour and I had a few things to get done. During my workout I decided to have a Bloody Mary - just the one though - slippery slope...

I have found recently that a single one of these can really perk me up before my evening meal. And I have also noticed that what I eat after a Bloody Mary seems to be noticeably enhanced in taste - is this normal or is it just me? I had one before eating jerk chicken a couple of days ago and I'm sure I enjoyed even more than usual as a result - I felt great afterwards! Tonight was a meat feast pizza - which I also particularly enjoyed. I shall have to experiment more to see if I find all foods are enhanced if preceded by a Bloody Mary - maybe even more mediocre dishes?

Anyway, I found a Bloody Mary and a good pizza an excellent remedy for impending mild depression. I'm sure this won't work for everybody though. 

Thursday 29 February 2024

 Dear Reaper,

Might you consider taking some time off? Very recently you have taken Jeff Moh, Dave Myers, and Pat Begent from our scene. Enough already! Maybe you could take a break and go away for a couple of  weeks?

Thursday 25 January 2024

This seems to be happening earlier every year.😮 Now in North London we have daffodils in bloom in January - this isn't normal. And still the Global Warming deniers walk amongst us... 


Sunday 31 December 2023

Goodbye 2023...

 Well 2023 was certainly a year of ups & downs - mostly downs in the latter part...

I learned more about other people and how they can be a lot more complicated than they appear - and in the process I learned more about myself. Including that apparently (to quote a song written by Lemmy) "I ain't no nice guy after all"

"My shine wore off as time wore on" Ain't that the truth... ♠

That episode in the summer triggered another of my periods of self doubt and lack of confidence. It made me take a closer look at myself. Another thing I learned: On top of OCD (which I think I have had most my life without even realising it) I have now also discovered 'Imposter Syndrome' is a thing - a thing I seem to have.

For 2024: Press 'Control/Alt/Delete' to restart...

Sunday 11 June 2023

Pubs don't want to take my money!

It seems like an increasing number of pubs don't want my money. I went to the Good Mixer in Camden on Thursday night to see a band. No real ale available, or any other beer I particularly want to drink. I know at most dedicated live music venues and clubs this isn't unusual, but the Mixer is a pub that just has bands on sometimes. I guess they aren't that bothered about catering for my ale needs so I don't drink much in there.

On Friday I went to the Dublin Castle in Camden - a well known pub and music venue. There used to be three or four real ale pumps on the bar here - so at least I could usually get a pint of Trooper or similar, although the quality of the ales they served often wasn't good as the pub didn't seem to know how to look after them. Sadly the Dublin Castle has recently stripped out all the real ale pumps from it's bar, but at least I could still get a bottle of my old faithful standby - Newcastle Brown Ale. Now they even seem to have stopped serving that. I'd normally sink several pints in a night at the Dublin Castle, but on Friday I only bothered with one as there was really no beer in the pub that I really wanted to drink. They don't seem to be bothered about my custom so I don't bother to drink much these days when I'm there.

When I'm in Camden I like to drop into BrewDog before and after gigs. No real ales in there, but in spite of that they do always have a variety of tasty beers I actually want to drink. Not cheap, and the strongest beers aren't served in pints, but it's a handy port of call if I'm in a rush to get a couple of high strength liveners in before heading to a music venue where I might not drink at all due to the poor quality and high prices. I like to drop into BrewDog after gigs as well for a nice beer or two before jumping on the tube at nearby Camden Town station. However, although it's advertised as being open until midnight Thursday-Saturday it often seems to close earlier. More than once recently I've walked in there around 11.30 after a gig only to be refused service as the bar staff tell me they are closing. I have even gone there about 11.00 to find the place shut and all the lights out. Don't they want my money?

Last night I was planning to go to a gig in Greenwich - at a pub that apparently serves real ales. However, I found out too late that the band I wanted to see and I assumed were headlining were actually going on earlier than I expected. I realised that as it would probably take at least an hour and a half to get to the pub I was going to miss the band. So I'm showered and all dressed up with nowhere to go.

Disappointed but not wanting to put all that effort to waste on a hot summer night I decide on Plan B -  to take a late stroll down to my local. The Railway Bell seems an oddly run place at times. Tonight is one of them. This pub stays open until 1AM but rather bizarrely won't let anyone in after midnight - which means when I often get off the train at New Barnet virtually within sight of the pub around 11.58 I am denied admission by security to a pub which is still serving for another hour! This seems a strange policy as in the last hour of opening there are usually very few people in in the pub - in fact the number of security people present combined with the bar staff is around the same as the number of drinkers for the last hour so they can't be making any money. And yet they still won't let me in to contribute to the money taken at the bar. But last night shouldn't have been a problem as I rolled up around 11.00 - with two hours drinking time to go. When I tried to get in I found the doors were locked! The pub was obviously still open as I could see customers inside - although not many for a summer Saturday night. I point to my watch and try to have a conversation with a security guy through the window pane of the door which he won't open, but I can only hear him shouting that they are shut. At 11.00 on a Saturday night. Once again the Railway Bell doesn't seem to want my money.

Plan B has also fallen though. Disconsolately I turn round and start to walk home - all I wanted was a few beers in a pub on a hot Saturday night. There are actually three other pubs within a hundred yards, but one is a McMullens house and I don't like their ales, the other is expensive with ales that are average at best - plus I don't like it's 'sports bar' atmosphere, while the third is really expensive with ales that aren't as good as they used to be.

Then I realise High Barnet is only a short bus ride away and Ye Olde Mitre Inne is open until 1AM. I put Plan C into action and about ten minutes later I am in what is probably the best (and definitely the oldest) pub in Barnet and finally enjoying a pint of quality ale in a pub that actually want's my money.